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15-10-2016 uly hunting down problems 2nd time

30-10-2016 - 15-10-2016 Buell XB12X ulysses hunting down problems 2nd time.

uly with a hunting problem low trottle

she is adgeing very well..

trying to hunt down the surging... after inspecting some log files... the O2 signal moves hard while cruising... and the intake airtemp douse also move to much at the same moment... at first we try the sensor and inspect the wires ,

those ulys come with a handy tool tray ;-) 

sensor changed and cleaning the ground wires, just to be sure .... and out to try again

uly with the broken trottle shaft, mounting it to make here run

bugger... one off the intake screws took out the threads... for now i mount a longer bolt , as there is some room for it , and repairing would mean the head needs to come off 

i think i put the front wheel bearings also on the todo list... ;-) as the corrosion marks are looking promising

throttle bodie fitted

pcv valve... we have some new ones for this, but they test ok... so on with the investication on the oil leak / pressure in the crank case

first i check the rocker box as clearly the silicone is not there for decorative purpose 

the 4 bolts out

bugger... gasket has been playing tricks 

new gasket in

to ensure it will seat correctly, i put some small dabs off silicone to help the gasket stay flat and in postion during mounting

cover back on 

new breather valve on

as the front was leaking... better check the front one as well 

douse also look questionable , i put a new one in here as well 

testing the pcv valves... you should be able to blow in theme, while suction will close the valve 

back on and time to put the engine up 

front bolt back in —

running... bought breathers blow allot.. and hot air ... mnnn 

oil level is ok ( a bit low ) but is not blocking the breather line

plugs out 

mnnn black as the night for the rear one

front one than ?

looks better...

ok now what... testing compression... remove the fuel pump connector 

and the coil connector 

and with the compression tester in , open the throttle and let the startermotor turn over the engine

a few strokes... with in reson good

rear one about the same 

ok leak testing.. gear box in 5e gear. and bump the engine to TDC 

tdc turning to compression stroke, the air will blow out hard ( i use to have a wisle ;-) ) but you can also visualy see the pistion moving 

or use a rod to determen tdc 

now block the rear wheel , one way is to hold the rear brake down , as even a small rotation off the crank ( perfect tdc is hard to set ) will move the engine down when you aply air pressure in the cylinder 

leak tester not to high... she is leaking some

if the valves are leaking you will hear this in the intake or in the exhaust... pulling out the crank timing inspection plug... will mean pistons / rings , i could here it leaking here hard... bugger 

so having a closer look... heads off, remove the exhaust

clutch cable with bracket loose 

top end loose again 

also on the list... new plug wires as the old ones are corroded 

engine down again 

rocker box off... start with the small bolts 

than the 4 big ones... evenly 

pushrods out ( you need to rotate the engine down to give theme clearance to the frame 

intake off again

and coil and top mount bracket loose

looks like the frame holes are made for this ;-) 

and head bolts loose 

off course the headers needs to come off

she in oiling the pushrod covers good

cylinder off some score marks.. nothing really serieus, not perfect 

hone marks still very good visible 

looking at the piston rings... hardly worn in 

or not at all ... could explain the blowby

ok have a looksy in the rear one —

little harder to get to , but easy enough 

you will need some extentions 

this one looks a little oil on the top side... wil check the valves / guides as well 

pesky rockercovers screws 

i want these off first to protect the tapped bores from debris

strange markings on the rear cylinder and i have a feeling this was has not seated right , looking at the brown glow ( oil ) 

really strange have not sean this before 

and the rings ( 2e compression ) is hardly worn in , slots are to close ? pulled the cylinder straigt off.. did they walk around ? mnnn

very light marks on the skirt 

but you can clearly see the rings have not even worn in... again could explain the blow by... pampered to much the first km done ?

i want to check some other things, case rotated up and w-brace connected, with a strap on the tierod to the w-brace to hold the case up 

and timing cover out 

breather oil line loose and removed 

and loose the gearcover bolts 

ok gasket is good 

oilpump gear is healty condition 

and reed valve is there and not broken... so far for now